Pesta Kesenian Bali

Penglipuran Traditional Village

And each compound consistently maintains the original design of the versatile bale (pavilion). Walking along the spacious paved street in the middle of the traditional village and small garden along the telajakan (the space between the compound and the street) will give you the impressiono fa beautiful park. The village looks neat as there are no high rise buildings. It is the harmonious combination of a traditional concept with modern techniques. When you see the uniform kori (entrance gate) with a bamboo roof you will be reminded that it is a traditional village. This kind of structure is now widely adopted for tourist accommodation
Tirta Gangga

Before the construction, the park was a large spring and local people called it embukan, meaning spring. The spring was then taken advantage by surrounding villages as a source of drinking water and sacred purification for Ida Bathara (deities). On that account, the spring was made sacred by the locals. From this spring, the King of Karangasem then got the idea to build a park because it was greatly supported by the cool air and later on was named Tirtagangga Park. Just as the Sukasada Ujung Park, the Tirtagangga Park had a close attachment to the Karangasem Grand Palace.
In the area of Tirtagangga Park sits several large ponds functioned as fish ponds and public bathing. The water flowing through the large and small fountains then coming out of the mouth of the sculptures in the pool originates from the fountain. Therefore, the water is cool and refreshing. Here, there are also fountains and tiered-lotus statues dividing it into two large ponds.
Today, the Tirtagangga Park has religious, social as well as entertainment function. Religiously, the spring at location is used as holy water by the surrounding community. In addition, it serves as a venue for organizing Deva Yajña ritual and pilgrimage.
Meanwhile, the Tirtagangga springs is socially used by local government as a source of clean water for the people of Karangasem. Then, as entertainment, the Tirtagangga is managed and developed into one of the tourist objects and attractions that is much in demand as well as visited by tourists as a place of recreation.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana ( GWK )

The statue depicts the Lord Vishnu where in Hinduism is known as the Preserver mounting a Garuda mythical bird. It is taken from the mythology entitled ‘Garuda and Empire’ in which the Garuda bird has a sense of devotion and sacrifice to save his mother from slavery. Ultimately, he is protected by the Lord Vishnu.
The statue built with a height of 140 meters is projected to bind a space with visibility up to 20 km. On that account, it can be seen from Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua until Tanah Lot. Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue itself symbolizes the sublime mission to preserve the environment along with the world.
Nungnung water Falls

While having a rest we can breathe the fresh air and enjoy the beautiful scenery, which soon drives away all feelings of fatigue. Not far from the waterfalls, visitors can see the process of making wooden statues in Banjar Kerta, and in Banjar Sekarmukti, Plaga. They can observe traditional and modern painters in Banjar Batulantang or gold and silver handicraft artists and songket weavers in Carangsari Village. If visitors want to take a rest or spend a night, they can make use of the bungalows in the village of Plaga. The weather in Plaga village is cold, It is geographically similar to Kintamani and Bedugul since the village is located next to the two resorts, which have been famous for a lot longer. Food, drink and bathing are not a problem in the Plaga bungalows since everything is available, Alter having a rest visitors may continue the trip from Plaga village to Kintamani in the east or Bedugul in the west.
Pesona Hindu di lampung
lampung merupakan salah satu tujuan pavorit bagi masyaraka transmigrasi, khususnya mereka yang berasal dari bali. Di beberapa daerah tampak pura sebagai termpat pesembahyangan bagi umat Hindhu telah berdiri dan menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan di setiap nafas kehidupan masyarakat setempat.
Desa yang pertama adalah Desa Raman Gunawan, Seputih raman, Kabupaten lampung Tengah. Didesa ini terdapat pura Kahyangan tiga yaitu Pura Desa, Pura Puseh dan Pura dalem. Diman Pura ini dibangun secara suadaya oleh masyarakat setempat, Pura kahyangan Tiga tersebut telah rampung dibangun termasuk dengan melaksanakan Ngenteg Linggih.
Daerah yang ke tiga yaitu Kampung Swastika Bhuwana Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Dimana kampung ini memiliki luas Daerah 1216 hektar dengan 98% Penduduknya beragama Hindu. Di Kampung ini terdapat sesuatu yang unik salah satunya adalah adanya sebuah Pura yang dikenal dengan nama Pura Ulun Danu. Seperti halnya di Bali, Pura Ulun Danu ini tidak lain berfungsi sebagai pemohon Kesuburan dan Kemakmuran. Hingga saat ini pengempon Pura Ulun Danu sebanyak 427 Kepala Keluarga.
Dari berbagai Pura yang ada khusunya di Lampung bisa memberikan sedikit gambaran betapa bersahajanya Umat hindu di luar sana, Dengan segala keterbatasan yang ada mereka merupaya membentuk kehidupan yg harmonis baik jasmani maupun rohani. Sebuah sikap mental yang harus di tiru dan diteladani.